Can PPE Replace All Other Safety Requirements?

In today’s world, we should not ignore the value of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at the workplace. To understand its vitality, we have to know what is the reality.
The definition of PPE is – any product, tool or equipment that protects the worker or wearer against potential occupational safety and health risk in any workplace. It is mandatory in most of the industries such as agriculture, construction, chemical, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, engineering and many more. Personal Protective Equipment is required by law and differs according to every working condition.
But, is PPE enough to keep a worker safe?

According to OSHA, we must make the workplace as safe as possible. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary that various safety measures should be followed at the workplace, workers should have adequate training and some key supervision top ensure the same. It is very important for the workers to know how, why and when the safety measures need to be used.
Even though the vital safety systems may have been utilized, some hazards might remain persistent. Hence, providing the right training to the employees is also important when it comes to PPE’s.
But there is something else that is overlooked and needs equal attention when it comes to the safety of employees. On the basis of research conducted in Delhi in August 2019 by Hindustan Times, Dr. Biplab Mishra professor of surgery at the AIIMS Trauma Center said, “Machine-cut and crushed limbs are common injuries among factory workers. We do get such cases and many requires surgery to repair the damage.” The most common tool or equipment used in industries causing one of the highest rate of injuries in world today is cutter or a knife.
With reference to the above context, the most common cause of accidents occur when the employee is either distracted or slips, using an exposed blade. This can result in a deep cut on his or her fingers, palm or thigh.
As a solution to the above, there is an alternative available for cutters or knives, which we might have come across named as Safety Cutters.
Safety Cutters are simple tools used to either cut open a box, tape, bags, shrink wrap etc. Many a times, importance is not given to the tools used for such purpose and any unsafe simple cutting tool is used for the same.
A minor case of negligence can lead to something big in no time. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor which kinds of cutting tools are being used by your employees along with the standard PPE.
Why is it vital to wear PPE and keep a safety cutter in the Workplace?
As mentioned earlier, along with PPE, Safety Cutters are also essential when it comes to the protection of the workers.
Safety Cutters are easy and safe with versatile features. It is designed specially for the users, keeping their safety in mind. Out of the few safety technologies, some include Concealed Blade (here the blade is covered by a hooded design of the cutter, not letting the user to have any direct contact with the blade) and Automatic Blade Retraction (here the blade automatically goes inside the holder, once it looses contact with the subject). These mechanisms have been used in different industries to reduce the risk of knife or cutter related injuries at workplace.
It is important that employees get to carry out their day to day activities with minimum to no risk as possible. Hence, it is suggested to use Safety Cutters along with PPE to ensure maximum safety of the employees.
The risks of not utilizing workplace safety equipment can lead to various injuries:

The most common concern when using sharp blades or edges is an injury which includes a cut (laceration or puncture) or an amputation.
PPE is always the last level of protection in the work area. These protective tools will form an ultimate barrier between the worker and the occupational hazards that they face regularly. It’s vital you to pick the protective and safety wear carefully to safeguard your workers against specific harms. Also, train your employees to utilize their safety tools like gloves, ladders, air ventilators, explosion-proof torches, helmets, safety shoes, oxygen mask, and safety cutter rightly and teach them how to identify and report any issues.
Ensure your employees are Protected

PPE is an element of safety that is being introduced to protect your workers from occupational harms in the work area. Though, we only utilize it as last resort. The protective outfits are a step towards safeguarding your workers. Here we are living in an era, full of a creative mindset that keeps on evolving technologies to make life better, comfortable and most importantly SAFE.
If you think something is wrong with your tool, report it! Because it might need a fix or probably a change.
It’s always better to report a technical error in a tool or ask for new safety tools, rather than having casualty at workplace.
Stay Safe, Work Safe!
Guidelines to use cutters or knives.