Free Certification Quiz for Happiness from Oxford

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Free Certification Quiz for Happiness from Oxford

December 18, 2022 Quiz 0

quiz for happiness

A Quiz for happiness which gives you a certificate of your score

Happiness is something that can be felt by many people, but what is it in actual? It is the feeling of being content with life and the things that you have. This free certification quiz for Happiness is inspired from “The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire” will help you to understand your level of happiness better.

Happiness is directly related to your psychological well-being. The term “psychological well-being” refers to the psychological and emotional conditions of a person. These are the ways in which a person feels, thinks, and behaves. Psychological well-being is highly important for overall health. When we are healthy psychologically, our thoughts and feelings tend to be positive. This can also improve our relationships with others and our productivity at work. People with high psychological well-being are more likely to be satisfied with their lives and enjoy work and personal relationships. It’s easy to think of “well-being” as something that is only achieved when we have enough money or enough time. However, psychological well-being is much more than this. It’s about being content with the life you have, feeling confident in yourself, and not letting others’ words affect your mood.

Complete the quiz below to know your level of happiness and get certified for the same.

Disclaimer: Your individual responses will not be given to any third party whatsoever. Please do not use the survey results as professional advice. The results only provide a basic understanding of your Psychological wellbeing. Proceeding to the survey implies that you understand and agree to provisions in this disclaimer.  

Welcome to your The Oxford Happiness Quiz. Your few minutes of time to answer these questions will help you understand yourself better.


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