Category: Spot the Hazard

Let's make a better workplace

find all unsafe acts and conditions in this image

Spot the Hazard Interactive Quiz -4

Your ability to identify hazards at the workplace will determine the possibility of eliminating the hazards. If you can spot the hazard in the image below then you already have a good vision towards identifying hazards. There are unsafe workplaces but none can be more unsafe than this one. Your goal is to find at…
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August 27, 2018 0

Spot the Hazard Quiz 3

Here is another Spot the Hazard Quiz for you all. Can you find the unsafe acts and conditions in this image?  

August 25, 2018 3


Dear Friends, Can you spot all the Hazards in this image. There are 8 Hazards which you need to find in this workplace image. Just click on the unsafe act or unsafe condition on the image and our smart AI systems will determine whether you are right or wrong. The Quiz is designed to improve…
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August 21, 2018 0

Spot the Hazard Interactive Quiz -1

Dear All, Bringing to you the new interactive spot the hazard quiz where you need to just click on the unsafe act or unsafe condition on the image and our smart AI systems will determine whether you are right or wrong. The quiz is designed to enable you to identify unsafe acts and unsafe conditions…
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August 17, 2018 6

Spot the Hazards 1

Can you identify all the unsafe acts and conditions in the image? Comment below

August 12, 2018 8